I know what makes me happy: building, writing, drawing, and coding in my workshop. Yet, before I typed these words, I spent hours doing anything but that. The usual culprits appeared—social media and news feeds—where I barely focused, learned or absorbed anything. It felt more like I was a digital meerkat, popping up every few seconds to scan the media horizon for reassurance that everything was fine.
And sure, the status quo prevails, but what if it suddenly doesn’t? A suspicion tugs at me, convincing me to keep scrolling. Meanwhile, a gnawing sense of unfulfillment grows. The pursuits that lead to happiness are waiting for me to start.
If my consciousness has a fixed bandwidth, how much do I waste on mindless scrolling—10%, 40%, or maybe more? I think that explains my love of brutalist websites, too. They present information and get out of the way. Less bloat, less noise. How do I say more with fewer words? How do I spend more time on fulfilment and less scrolling for existential threats?
I’m tired of scanning media like a digital meerkat. The only horizon I want to search is my workshop, where I explore what’s possible.

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