A passport stamp for RepRage's corner store.
Marsarium 9
Icon for Generative Art Projects
Icon for Future Influencer
Icon for digital preservation projects.


Clinton Freeman is a new media artist working out of Queensland, Australia. He draws upon experience as a classically trained software engineer to create interactive works that explore the blurry frontiers of science. By imbuing software and electronics with the warmth of our analog past, Clinton makes technology that’s less machine and more human.

With an extensive back catalog filled with collaborations and commissions, his digital systems have powered many award-winning immersive works.


Van Neistat's video on popping wheelies inspires reflections on unnoticed life milestones, from first profanities to learning new skills. A personal story of growth and unexpected moments.

Milestones and Wheelies - Embracing Unspoken Thresholds in Life

Van Neistat's video on popping wheelies inspires reflections on unnoticed life milestones, from first profanities to learning new skills. A personal story of growth and unexpected moments.

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