
"Future Influencer" is an unconventional sci-fi adventure where humanity and AI join forces to paint images of the future. Each episode of this light-hearted journey will tickle your imagination and offer a much-needed dose of fun in our ever-evolving digital age. So, why not come along for the ride?

Things worsened when the machines started building what we call the cryptogrinder. We think the algorithms were trying to understand us better with what seemed like mechanical dissection. We don’t think it worked, as thankfully, they only ever used it once. Still, every school kid knows the story of Carl Showalter, the poor guy that the machines dissected. It’s a story that gets referenced in the ultimate warning to children: “Don’t make me feed you to the Cryptogrinder.”

Use the comments below to complete the following, “There’s more to life than a little ____.”

A photo of a large sculpture depicting a grinder for cryptocurrencies, crafted by Jean Tinguely, digital art


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