
"Future Influencer" is an unconventional sci-fi adventure where humanity and AI join forces to paint images of the future. Each episode of this light-hearted journey will tickle your imagination and offer a much-needed dose of fun in our ever-evolving digital age. So, why not come along for the ride?

The resistance didn’t just respect the algorithms; we envied them. Humanity couldn’t comprehend a fraction of the knowledge accumulated by the machines, even if we lived a thousand lifetimes. We tried to specialise by narrowing our focus into smaller and smaller niches, but even then, we quickly reached the limits of what a person could learn in a lifetime.

Use the comments to complete the following, “Most days we looked across the keyboard and wished …”

A abstract sculpture of an envy for mechanical learning, hacker aesthetics, 80s, garage workshop, plywood, porcelain, capacitors, resistors, vacuum tubes, glow, cinematic


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