
"Future Influencer" is an unconventional sci-fi adventure where humanity and AI join forces to paint images of the future. Each episode of this light-hearted journey will tickle your imagination and offer a much-needed dose of fun in our ever-evolving digital age. So, why not come along for the ride?

Humanity had spent millennia looking out into the cosmos. It was so vast that we couldn’t perceive how it was also crammed. So I guess it was counter-intuitive that cyberspace seemed so cramped we started to seriously explore it. We needed the help of machines to recognize the expanse of cyberspace.

Use the comments to complete the following, “The machines wanted us to stop this ____.”

An immersive installation of how cyberspace is vast and crammed, minimalist, abstract, walled city of Kowloon, bazaar, mona, Clinton freeman.


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