"Future Influencer" is an unconventional sci-fi adventure where humanity and AI join forces to paint images of the future. Each episode of this light-hearted journey will tickle your imagination and offer a much-needed dose of fun in our ever-evolving digital age. So, why not come along for the ride?
I’m not sure why; it was probably the movies, but I started to bow before the CGI Queen. Was that the ‘protocol?’ I was wracking my brain trying to think of something to say when we heard running footsteps approaching. I stood back up to see a bespectacled man sprinting into the Foyer. “Oh, praise the probabilities! You are early. Quickly, hackers have broken into the Duchamp gallery and made a terrible mess. This way, it’s a disaster; we open in fifteen minutes.”
The CGI Queen seemed unflustered by the interruption and tilted her head, “Another time, your gallery needs you.”
I followed the man as he ran back into the belly of the museum. A couple of long corridors later, we skidded to a halt at a cavernous entrance. Inside was a kaleidoscope of art mixed with graffiti.
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