
I’m seeing some fear in the community that those of us in the cheap seats won’t be able to participate in Tom’s NFT rocket factory.

But this fear is misplaced – Tom caters to all budgets, like this McDonald’s stock certificate that Christie’s valued at $80,000. And while I’m not the target audience for ownership, I can use it for inspiration. I can’t shell out $2,500 for one of his shop chairs either, but I can use the knowledge that Tom freely shares to make something that is meaningful to me. But once we get under $100 – to the zines and notebooks that Tom sells on his website – now we’re talking. This is the stuff I can afford, and they’re objects that help me on my own journey of creation.

We also live in this new digital era where everything has changed. Websites like OpenSea democratise access to the art market and let us sell our work alongside Tom’s. We don’t need to bootleg rockets or destabilise the factory; this is technology that gives us a seat at the table. All we need is enough courage to place a value on our own voice, our own art, and list it for sale.

So, not only does Tom’s Rocket Factory have stuff that caters to my budget, but it encourages participation in the broader NFT community. This creates incentives to refine my skills while aspiring to swap a stack of my art for one of Tom’s rocket components.

A painted and wood burned stock certificate by Tom Sachs.

Originally written for the Sachsian Syndicate.

Previously: TGIM 24 - If I still lived in a big city someplace, I’d have accumulated a stash of culture credit, like when a famous actress is loaned a designer dress to wear to the Oscars. Except I’m not famous and I wore the sneakers in the mud and dirt of northern Australia.


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