The music is one of my favourite things about the Instagram window into the Tom Sachs studio. During the introduction, Tom will spin some vinyl or play something from his digital stash. In that opening minute you’ll see Tom absorb the music and dial into the zone.
I’m amazed at how he manages to pick just the right track to match his talk and I often wonder how long it takes him to pick the song. Because for me, finding the right music seems to be half the battle. But once I have the right music for the job, things get a lot easier.
For example, my music playlist for running is totally obnoxious, filled with high energy electronica… The music videos for those songs are mostly crowd shots of some club in Ibiza. Yeah, we’re talking Sandstorm by Darude.
But when I’m cleaning the house and a bit angry at the same time, my go-to album is (and this is a bit embarrassing) Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette. The lyrics are perfect for bad karaoke, and singing into a mop makes chores slightly less painful… Well, that’s what the TV ads for cleaning products have taught me.
But right now, as I’m typing this? It’s all William Onyeabor, and without his music I would have struggled to tune out the world and dial into the zone. I think some of William’s music has been absorbed into these words. Thank you, fantastic man.

Photo: Tom Sachs
Originally written for the Sachsian Syndicate.
Previously: TGIM 13 - I can learn this remotely… and I’m not too nerdy for art.
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