For me, the Victory Boogie Woogie by Tom Sachs is a signpost to those starting out on their own journey of discovery and creation. An encouragement to let your freak flag fly. To dig deeply into what inspires you, to read and obsess about it. Recreate the things that you connect with the most.
Maybe that means sticking gaffer tape on plywood, or maybe it’s clicking away at Adobe Illustrator on a computer. It doesn’t matter what materials are used, as long as you swing with the full might of your own expertise and know-how.
Tom is pretty clear in talks about Victory Boogie Woogie: Sure, he could have made the millions needed to buy Piet Mondrian’s painting on Wall Street. But making his own? Out of what he knew he could wrestle into the right form? That’s not forgery or even ‘bootlegging’; it was work. Tom’s work. Something he has always described as a more authentic use of his time.
Yeah, I see that signpost as an open invitation to follow in Tom’s footsteps. You really want that sold-out sticker from the Tom Sachs Store? Just fully commit with your own skills and make your own.

Photo: Tom Sachs
Originally written for the Sachsian Syndicate.
Previously: TGIM 2 - Adderall for the Arts (A short exploration of breacher bar)
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